Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wal-Mart going to the Supreme Court


"Wal-Mart won a landmark case in the Supreme Court in 2011, defeating the largest civil class action in history. But attorneys for the world's largest retailer will be heading back to the country's highest court. This time, there is just one plaintiff, a woman who claims she was denied disability benefits after nearly 20 years at the company." Claire Gordon

Wal-Mart will be again heading to this nation’s highest court to defend itself against a claim of denial of benefits for a woman who could not work fulltime any more. This is not the first time the retail giant has been accused of skimping out on their employees. Wal-Mart is well known for offering low prices to consumers but this is because they source all of their products from Chinese manufacturers. This is well documented and Wal-Mart admits it. They are not the only company doing this but they are the most well-known.  

On top of this, Wal-Mart is infamous for penny pinching when it comes to their employees as well. Union crushing and inequality in the work place have are just two rampant issues that keep coming up at Wal-Mart and they have done nothing to stop it. Wal-Mart is a company that’s only objective is the increase the bottom line and I hope this women wins her case and can help others do the same.

Do you think Wal-Mart is a fair company to its workers?

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